Sr. High RUSH

RUSH – R U Serving Him?

It is the LORD your God you must follow, and him you must revere.
Keep his commands and obey him;
serve him and hold fast to him.
Deuteronomy 13:4

The senior high youth group meets on Sunday evenings, 5:00-7:30 PM, during the school year.

Regular RUSH Night Schedule:
5:00-5:15 Meet in gym

5:15-5:45 Clean up snacks and games in gym

*Move upstairs to RUSH room for remainder of evening

5:50-6:10 Announcements and worship

6:10-6:45 Lesson

6:45-7:15 Small groups

7:15-7:30 Conclude

Please pray for the students as the leadership team seeks to encourage and provide
opportunities that allow these students to grow in their Christian faith:

*Biblical teaching for senior high youth – how to properly handle and study God’s Word

*Help the youth identify their gifts and passions through ministry involvement

*To produce men and women who can discern truth, based upon God’s Word

Asst. Pastor Christopher and Heather Kocher
David and Katie Palmer