Word of Life Jr. High

“Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ,
that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain.” Philippians 2:16
For more information about the program, please visit the WOL website:
Word of Life Student Fifty1 Ministries
Wednesday Evenings 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
(September through May)
McCoy Leaders:
Shawn Jordan
Jen Lindquist
Mark & Kristi Martin
As students progress through their Christian disciplines they also have an
opportunity to earn a free week at Word of Life Camp in Schroon Lake, NY, along with a college scholarship.
Word of Life Quiet Time
Take Teen devotions to an all-new level! Providing a structured approach to quiet time and prayer, the Interactive Quiet Time Diary Daily Devotional is filled with personal, penetrating questions that encourage readers to examine their lives. Insights and commentary on specific verses challenge readers to apply the truth of God’s Word. A personal prayer section includes ample room to record prayer requests and answers. Since the passages in this spiral-bound Quiet Time correlate with all of our other Quiet Times, the whole family can learn biblical truths together for an entire year. Added this year to all Adult/Teen Quiet times: Mobilize for the Cause – A guide to Share and Grow your faith. This tool is designed to be used One-on-One with you and a friend that has just trusted Christ as Savior. As you progress through these lessons, you are joining the greatest cause ever: to reach your generation with the gospel. Click HERE for a sample of the 23-24 Quiet Time Interactive. Online Quiet Time is also available either through the website or an app. More info here: Online Quiet Time App
and here: https://www.quiettime.life/#/app/dashboard
Word of Life Student Ministry Fifty1 Program Overview
We want to reach youth whose needs constantly change with biblical truth that never changes! The Word of Life Student Ministries utilizes interactive teaching, scripture memorization, and personal quiet times to provide exciting opportunities for teens.
Is the purpose of teaching to communicate biblical content or to bring about life-changing transformation in the lives of those who are listening? Why not both? We take timeless truths of biblical doctrine and connect them to where students are living today. What are the vital truths that your students need to grasp while they will be in our ministry? Doctrine is the foundation for living the Christian life because what we believe determines how we live. To live a successful Christian life, your students need to have a solid grip on basic Bible doctrines.